Ideal for schools, public spaces, community centres, offices, airports and anywhere that requires a supply of drinking water without the need for a continuous supply of cups.
Zerica water fountains are made truly unique by their design and performance excellence. There’s a choice of two different cooling systems: HPDC®, a Zerica patent with unsurpassed performance, or the Silver Turbo Clean with a cooling chamber tested for pressures of up to 100 bar and welded together using silver, a material proved to inhibit bacteria growth. All Refresh P models have a tough stainless steel cabinet and a spacious compartment that can house a filtration system;
The 240 model with HPDC® technology is the fastest cooler in the world. It develops a cooling power of 450 kcal/hr and cools water in 3mins, using less than 7 Wh;
The patented HPDC® system uses antibacterial copper, a material especially suited to combatting bacterial proliferation, including the deadly Legionella;
The Sahara Clima system used on the Refresh P 240 HPDC® and 260 models has been specially designed by Zerica to enable the units to function perfectly even with external temperatures of up to 43 C;
The ideal solution for the hottest of climates or for large areas that lack air-conditioning;
A wall-mounted solution guarantees maximum ease of cleaning even beneath the cooler and allows the ergonomically ideal height to be chosen, for example in schools and nurseries or for wheelchair users;
With its robust structure, this fountain supplies about 33 litres of cold water per hour.