Home » All Products » Water Softener Salt » Swimming Pool Salt 20kg
We offer a specially developed and formulated swimming pool salt for the optimum performance of your swimming pool electrolysis systems. We offer the highest quality, purity and extra dry salt for your swimming pool in order to have maximum salt economy and performance.
MTV Water Services salt makes it easy for every house in Cyprus to transform it’s chemical chlorine swimming pool to naturally salt chlorinated.
Using our salt in your swimming pool, helps to remove the chemical addition.
Transform now your swimming pool in Cyprus working with natural Electrolysis Chlorine Production instead of buying chemicals that may have effects to your body. As a result your pool will be working with no chlorine chemicals ans will not be irritating.
Our salt contains up to 99.8% pure salt and as a result you are buying pure salt from us and not salt with humid inside which means less salt needed.
Our specially formulated salt prevents mushing and bridging on the electrolysis cells, helping to keep your electrolysis cell clean and trouble-free.
Have a Swimming Pool Question? Call now our Water Treatment Specialists and you will be surprised what you have been missing.
• Premium-purity salt – typically 99.8%
• Greater than 99.7% water soluble
• Crushed Salt specially formulated to prevent mushing and bridging
• Helps extend life of appliances, pipes and fixtures
Size Availability
20 Kg. Bag