Rotos Bios Mains Water Filter

Rotos Bios Mains Water Filter

Rotos Bios Mains Water Filter

Rotos Bios mains water filter, is a self cleaning brush filter that traps sand and sediments. It is a mid range sediment filter of the Euroacque  mains water filters series.

It comes with:

  • Brass head and ring nut, stainless steel cartridge, equipped with brushes and drain.
  • Equipped with bacteriostatic treatment with Nano Silver.

CLEANING: with the water by-pass open (in operation) open the drain and turn the self-cleaning knob for at least two complete turns. Thanks to the particular shape of the brush and the stainless steel cartridge, the brushing + exhaust combination allows an effective cleaning of the filtering element without making it necessary to disassemble the filter. Cleaning is carried out by simply opening the drain and turning the knob on the filter head. INCLUDED “BIOS” SYSTEM, bacterial inhibition thanks to the “NANO SILVER BIOS” treatment with Nano Silver.

Wherever it is necessary to have water free of solid substances of very small dimensions and in particular, of sand and where there are problems of space for an easy installation. The raw water enter the filter and then, conveyed into the cartridge and comes out filtered.

You can use this filter for different applications such as garages, houses and industrial machinery. Because of its small size it is ideal for movable machinery.

On request we can provide other degrees of filtration.


  • 3/4″ and 1″ inlet and outlet ports
  • Flash valve to clean the cartridge without opening the filter
  • Mains water filter housing