Home » All Products » Water Dispensers » Counter Top » Hydron – Hydrogenated water
Hydron is the Nº1 compact hydrogenator for osmosis and mineral water
With its great compact design, Hydron is made to take up as little space as possible in the kitchen. It offers several installation possibilities for you to choose the one that best suits your needs.
Hydrogen is the chemical element with atomic number 1. It is the lightest of all elements and the most abundant in the universe, though not on the Earth. Hydrogen is quite common in nature in combination with other elements such as oxygen, carbon or nitrogen (it is a component of water, the human body, plant and animal organisms, etc.).
Hydron helps to prevent illnesses and avoid premature aging
Hydrogen is the lightest and smallest element that exists, penetrating areas other antioxidants can’t, such as in neurons and cell nuclei.
A very powerful antioxidant that helps to eliminate free radicals, reducing oxidizing stress, as well as providing a safe and easy drinking water source.
Oxidizing stress is a factor related to certain diseases as well as premature aging.
As we age we need more antioxidants as our body generates less antioxidant enzymes.
Choose your Hydron model:
Worksurface top installation
Hydron can be installed onto kitchen work surfaces. Meaning you will always have access to hydrogen-rich water (hydrogenated water) whenever you want it.
The “kit-bottle” model should be bought for this type of installation.
The high concentration of H2O between 700 and 1,200 ppb depending on the quality of water used.
Below worksurface installation
Hydron + reverse osmosis in your 1, 2, 3 or 4-way tap. Meaning you will have access to hydrogen-rich, osmosis hot and cold water according to the tap installed.
In the event of treating osmosis water or water coming from specific equipment, the installation of a 1 or 2 way water tap (hydrogenated osmosis water) or a 4 way tap (cold water, hot water, hydrogenated and osmosis water) is recommended.
Endless supply.
The high concentration of H2O between 700 and 1,200 ppb depending on the quality of water used.